Learn The Helideck Floodlighting Lighting For Offshore Hazardous Environment
For the purpose of night visual lighting for offshore hazardous helideck operations, explosion-proof lighting system is required. Plusafe provides a full range of products and services for customers, including explosion-proof perimeter light, floodlight, status light, Windsock, obstacle light, TD/PM and H lights, and control panel system.
Before 2013, helideck floodlighting as an important lighting system for illuminating the helideck landing area like circle and H marking. According by CAA study, experience has shown that floodlighting systems, even when properly aligned, can adversely affect the visual cueing environment by reducing the conspicuity of helideck perimeter lights during the approach, and by causing glare and loss of pilots night vision during the hover and landing. Furthermore, floodlighting systems often fail to provide adequate illumination of the centre of the landing area leading to the so called 'black-hole effect'.
TD/PM Circle lighting and H identification lighting system is recommended and have practice to show that they can provide adequate illumination for the cricle and H marking and has no glare for pilot operation like hover and landing. However, floodlighting is still may be used for the purpose of providing a source of illumination for on-deck operations such as refuelling and passenger handling. But the new design for the controlling for floodlighting, floodlighting system will be controlled ON/OFF by command from helideck ground or pilots, normally will be turn off for the approach, landing and take-off.
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